Frameless Glass

Frameless Glass

Paras Carpets Frameless Glass


Frameless Glass

Leads 2 Business Frameless


Under Construction 3


At LPMBP Construction we understand that not only is Frameless Glass much more expensive than any other option available, but also that when a clients chooses this as a solutions for their project, that a specific aesthetic outcome is desired. As part of the aesthetic outcome that quality of workmanship plays a vital role.

A lot of clients are ill advised on the process of frameless glass installation.  As such we want to prepare our clients for the process.

Once we have been appointed to do the glass installation, we do final measurements on site, which is much more detailed than the initial measurements done for the quote.

During these measurement of the area which requires frameless glass, we take measurements to determine straightness and levelness of vertical and horizontal attachment areas. Kindly keep in mind that the second the glass is manufactured it can be re-sized like which one could do with safety glass ext.

After the measurements are recorded, a CAD drawing needs to be created of the frameless glass which needs to include the different hardware e.g. striker boxes, pivots, pneumatic hinges, locksets ext.

Once satisfied with the drawing, the drawing and relevant information needs to forwarded to the engineers which in turn might want to do a site visit, should he feel that there is aspects he wants to satisfy himself with prior to specifying the thickness of the frameless glass, extra structural support ext. Kindly keep in mind that he must be satisfied at the end of the installation to provide certification.

Only once the additional drawings and specification for the frameless glass is received back from the engineer, can the drawings and specifications be send to the glass manufacturer.

Once the quote has been received from the frameless glass manufacturer, and paid, it takes between 7 and 10 working days for the glass to be manufactured. Delays due to glass breakages, either when toughening or during delivery, isn’t unheard of and actually happens more frequently than not.

Closer to the delivery date we will then start with the installation of the frame work in preparation of the glass installation…this time will vary depending on the size of the project…

We hope this gives you an honest expectation of the frameless glass installation process and through the above, the ability to plan and adapt the working environment to the needs of your business whilst the above processes run their course.

God bless

Below an informational video

Frameless Glass installation








  • Pattern 1
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